Chord Gitar Nabilah JKT48 - Sunshine Becomes You (Ost. Sunshine Becomes You)

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Chord Gitar Nabilah JKT48 - Sunshine Becomes You (Ost. Sunshine Becomes You)

Foto Sunshine Becomes You

Intro: Bm A G
          Bm A G

Bm         G        A            D
Sekian lamanya dalam sepiku

Bm           G   A   D
Menanti hiasi dihatiku

     Em         F#m    G     A
Hanya bersamamu kutemukan

    Em      F#m   G               A
Segala harapan yang kuimpikan


D                               Bm
    You're the light of my life

You're the light of my love

You're the light in my sky

You're my only one

You're the the light that i need

You're the light shining down

All my life

A                 D
Sunshine becomes you

Music: Em F#

Bm            G             A     D
Beribu bintang yang hiasi malam

Bm               G               A         D
Tak seindah sinar yang kau pancarkan

Em              F#m G           A
Segenap cahaya yang terbentang

Em                 F#m    G             A
Tak sehangat terang yang kurasakan


D                               Bm
    You're the light of my life

You're the light of my love

You're the light in my sky

You're my only one

You're the the light that i need

You're the light shining down

All my life

A                 Bm              A G
Sunshine becomes you     uuu

Em                           A                D
You're my sunshine sunshine becomes you

Reff: [Overtone [2 semi tone]]

E                               C#m
    You're the light of my life

You're the light of my love

You're the light in my sky

You're my only one

You're the the light that i need

You're the light shining down

All my life

B                 F
Sunshine becomes you

Reff: [Overtone #2 [1 semi tone]]

F                               Dm
    You're the light of my life

You're the light of my love

You're the light in my sky

You're my only one

You're the the light that i need

You're the light shining down

All my life

C                G#                Bb
Sunshine becomes you


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