climb - Jacob Latimore - songs chords lyrics

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climb - Jacob Latimore - songs chords lyrics

You’re fantasizing, you’re mesmerizing
When you send me pictures I get so excited
And oh, I can’t hold back no more
It's just this rising when we're vibing
Can't remember the last time that we were fighting
And oh, can I have a heart attack? Cause girl you bad

I like the feeling when you know you're feeling sexy
In the bedroom, girl, you can impress me
And when we lay down, lay down
And I start from the bottom

I just can't wait to climb, climb, climb
You give the best love ever
And it don't get no better
When I climb, climb, climb, climb
You give the best love ever
And don't stop now, no never

(Verse 2)
Always just us, ain't in no rush
Wrap your legs around my waist, under the covers
Let's make love to this and come _____(?)
The way you move, all I wanna do
Is turn you around, I wanna be behind you
Our love, nobody can touch, they ain't got nothing on us



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