Lyrics and Guitar Chords Meghan Trainor - Like I’m Gonna Lose You (feat. John Legend)

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Lyrics and Guitar Chords Meghan Trainor - Like I’m Gonna Lose You (feat. John Legend)

lirik dan chord gitar Meghan Trainor - Like I’m Gonna Lose You (feat. John Legend)

by : Meghan trainor

C    Em   Am   F
Hmm  Hmm  Hmm
C                                     Em
I found myself dreaming. Of silver and gold.

Am                            F
Like a scene from movie. That every broken heart knows.
C                                            Em
We were walking on moonlight. When you held me close.
Am                                        F
Split second and you disappeared. And then I was all alone.

   C                    C              Em                     Em
I woke up in tears with you by my side. Breathe of relief and I realized.
Am           F         
No, we're not promised tomorrow.

             C                       Em
*So I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you.
          AmA                       F
I'm gonna hold you, like I'm saying goodbye.
               C                            Em
Wherever we're standing, I won't take you for granted.
                Am                                F
Cause we'll never know when, when we'll run out of time.
            C                       Em
So I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you.
            Am                      F
So I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you*

C                      Em
In the blink of an eye. Just a whisper of smoke.
Am                              F
You could lose everything. The truth is you never know.
C                           Em
So I'll kiss you longer baby. Any chance that I get.
Am                                   F
And I'll make the most of the minutes. And love with no regret.

    C                                 C
So let's take the time to say what we want.
Em                            Em
Use what we got before it's all gone.
Am           F      
No, we're not promised tomorrow.

                               buat yang pengen lirik video klipnya klik link di sini 

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