Chord Guitar & Lyrics Linkin Park - Valentine's Day

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Chord Guitar & Lyrics Linkin Park - Valentine's Day

Chord By : Linkin Park
Song : Valentine's Day

Verse (*) :

Dm                           F   C
  My insides all turn to ash, so slow.
Dm                             F   C
  And blew away as I collapsed, so cold.
Dm                         F     C
  A black wind took them away, from sight.
Dm                          F     C
  And held the darkness over day, that night.

- Chorus :

         Bb                 C
And the clouds above move closer,
         F           C
Looking so dissatisfied.
         Bb                   C                 (Dm)
But the heartless wind kept blowing and blowing.

Verse (**) :

Dm                              F       C
  I used to be my own protection, but not now.
Dm                                 F    C
  'Cause my path has lost direction, somehow.
Dm                         F     C
  A black wind took you away, from sight.
Dm                          F     C
  And held the darkness over day, that night.

- Chorus :

         Bb                 C
And the clouds above move closer,
         F           C
Looking so dissatisfied.
         Bb                 C
And the ground below grew colder,
         F           C
As they put you down inside.
        Bb              C               (Dm)
But the heartless wind kept blowing, blowing.

Interlude : Dm    F       C

Bridge :
So now you're gone,
And I was wrong.
F               Am
I never knew what it was like,
Bb              C
To be alone

Chorus :

On a Valentine's Day,
        F               C
On a Valentine's Day,
On a Valentine's Day,
        F               C
On a Valentine's Day,

Outro : (x 2)

On a Valentine's Day.
                [I used to be my own protection,]
        F               C
On a Valentine's Day
                [But not now.]
On a Valentine's Day
                ['Cause my mind has lost direction,]
        F               C
On a Valentine's Day

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